Saturday, June 25, 2011


This post is for Kelly's Korner's Show Us Your Singles:)

Holly is my best friend.  We met as freshman in college, and one of the best things I can tell you about Holly is that she put up with my ridiculous homesickness and my inability to talk about anything other than my boyfriend "back home."  She put up with all that crap and stuck by me and helped me get out of my homesickness rut.

She has the best laugh...and loves to laugh.

She is an incredibly brave and independent person -- straight out of college, she moved from Michigan (where all her family lives) to inner-city Philadelphia to do a year of ministry with an organization called Mission Year.  She stayed on in Philadelphia after that year was up as well, working as a social worker.

She is now back in Michigan, closer to her family, living on her own, working as a social worker.

Holly loves movies...especially ones with Colin Firth, so if you're a Colin Firth look-a-like message me immediately!:)

Holly is a HUGE Michigan State fan, so Michigan fans...well, she might make an exception, but you'll have to be really, really great in every other way;)

Holly adores my 2 year old daughter and is passionate about the foster care system and adoptions...not just because she's a social worker by profession, but because she is an intensely compassionate and passionate person who wants the best for every single child.

Holly is very close with her family -- not only with her parents, brother and sister-in-law and her sister, but also with her grandparents and other extended family.

She loves U2, and I credit her with helping me to realize how amazing they are.  She flew out to California (where we live) this summer to go to a U2 concert with us:)

As I've said, Holly lives in Michigan, but she loves to travel, so don't let that stop you if you live far from Michigan:)

I could go on and on and on and on and on...Holly is an absolutely amazing person, and I love her dearly.

E-mail me at or leave a comment here:)